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CA LCFS Scenario Simulator
Clean Fuel Standards
15 May 2024

The California LCFS was cCarbon's first foray into Clean Fuel credit markets. CA LCFS forms the second part of ARB's (the State's regulator) ""belt 'n' braces” approach to emission reductions. With transportation emissions at around half of covered emissions of the state cap-and-trade market, when the LCFS market is tight and prices high, there is comparatively less pressure on the CaT market, and vice versa. Neither market can be effectively understood or modeled without fully comprehending the other.

Oregon CFP Scenario Simulator
Clean Fuel Standards
15 May 2024

OR CFP is an oligopoly with importers of gasoline, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel forming the demand side. The program has also voluntary participants such as providers of natural gas, propane, electricity, and hydrogen. Higher credit prices in Oregon CFP is an attractive tool for fuel importers who are looking to set up import infrastructure for the North American clean fuel market. Liquid biofuels such as biodiesel, renewable diesel and ethanol are the major credit generators in this market.