Carbon Offsets
Carbon Offset Price Estimator
Tuesday, 23rd April 2024
This tool solves for the problem of pricing of carbon credits in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). For this opaque and illiquid market, the user can generate accurate price estimates for offset trades defining specific attributes, enabling them to benchmark their own Bids/Offers.
cCarbon's offset price window was a ground-breaking dashboard for the VCM on release in 2022, this price estimator is the next evolution in our effort to provide pricing clarity and confidence to our clients. The machine learning algorithm underpinning this tool uses our entire proprietary transaction database in forming every price estimate, assigning a feature attribution across each of our parameters, and so this model generates more sophisticated and valuable results than straight averages of subsets of our data.
The attributes to define on each trade are: Date of Trade, Transaction Size, Delivery Year, Protocol Type, Verification Standard, Region, Vintage, and Wholesale vs Retail.
Users are able to save selections for repeated use and benchmarking over time, they can duplicate selections for easy comparison upon changing one attribute, and they can select 'time series' mode to generate a price curve over a period of time.

This Price Estimator is for members only. Request Access Now